
Is your work out one sided?

skeleton and gym

Every week I see clients with one sided, tension related problems.  Sore right shoulders leading to sore right necks and poor range of motion.  Pain in the right sacroiliac joint, lumbar spine region leading to favoring movement to avoid discomfort, and sciatic nerve symptoms of pain down the leg or diffuse hip and buttock region pain.  These people are fit and active, some runners, cyclists, yoga aficionados.

I took an advanced training Feldenkrais workshop in Montreal a while back with my mentor and friend Feldenkrais trainer Yvan Joly.  We were studying the 4 pillars of laterality.  Hmmm that doesn’t even come up as a word…laterality what does it mean?

The term laterality refers to the preference most humans show for one side of their body over the other. Well, we all know about right handedness or left handedness and how our speech is a function of the left side of the brain if we are right handed and if we are a true lefty it is located in the right hemisphere of the brain.  But what about how we see (our visual field), how our head motion is influenced by our vision and  how we organize our pelvis on the right or left?  What can we do differently when our therapist says you are oriented more to one side than the other?  How can we reduce the effort we put on one side of the body and distribute that effort more evenly among all parts of the body?  That is truly where the Feldenkrais Method comes in.  Join me for my next workshop focusing on asymmetries and areas of lost or dysfunctional movement patterns in a part of the body that is often neglected in the big picture of aiding both the sacroiliac joints and the shoulders and neck.  Be the first to know when classes start up in the fall by emailing info@vivitherapy.com or give us a call on 250 886 2090

In the mean time while you are doing your regular exercise routines here are some words of wisdom written for Experience Life online magazine by Nicole Radiszewski called Taking Sides: The ONE SIDED STRENGTH WORKOUT  

Roxanne Derkson is a Registered Massage Therapist and a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner.  You can book with her online for private Feldenkrais sessions. Book in with Richard Cross Registered Kinesiologist and experience his functional assessment and guidance to a more strong and symmetrical body.