Registered Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy, Athletic Therapy, Counselling & Feldenkrais in Victoria.

We direct bill insurers & ICBC

Professional Massage & Mobile Services, Registered Acupuncture & Cupping Therapy, Athletic Therapy, and Exercise Training & Rehab. Come meet our Integrated Health & Wellness team!

At ViVi Therapy we are passionate about helping people connect their body and mind for their highest potential. Understanding your body, how you move, think and feel is your greatest asset. Meet our team and start to improve your wellbeing and longevity today.

ViVi Therapy Integrated Health since 2006 in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC. Our diverse and skilled team of Registered Therapists offer Massage Therapy, Acupuncture & TCM, Cupping Therapy, Athletic Therapy, Exercise Training and Rehab, and Feldenkrais Method  at our 1976 Oak Bay Avenue location.

Therapy Services



Therapy Services

Our therapists are dedicated to improving your pain relief, quality of life, mobility, performance, and vitality. We are here at ViVi Therapy to make your life better!

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About us



About Us

Founded in 2006,ViVi Integrated Health is dedicated to helping clients improve their health and mobility. Our practitioners focus on individual health and improvement.

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Book an Appointment

Online booking is available through our website or you can contact our clinic. If you have a hard time finding space we would be more than happy to add you to our waitlist.

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Contact Us



Contact Us

Have a question about treatments, practitioners, direct-billing, or all of the above? Give us a call at 250-298-4484 or email at

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We offer direct billing to all insurance providers and ICBC.

Payment, billing, and booking are handled by our full-time reception, including all direct billing for insurance and payment, billing, and booking are handled by our full-time reception, including all direct billing for insurance and ICBC claims.


Self-help with ViVi Therapy

field of flowers

Acupuncture & Natural Allergy Relief- Self Help Tips

  The most common symptoms of allergies are the runny nose (rhinitis), sneezing and itching eyes. These…
Assessment of Knee

Why Does My Knee Hurt?

Why does your knee hurt? The knee is one of the most heavily used and stressed joints in the body. Whenever we stand, walk, squat,…
before and after acupuncture picture of woman with allergies

Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergy Symptoms-Natural Remedies

Acupuncture a safe and effective alternative for allergy symptoms: ENJOY THE SEASON AND BE SYMPTOM FREE WITH NATURAL ALLERGY RELIEF…

Ready to book an appointment? Book easily online today.