

Massage Oils and Linens Do They Mix?

Pure, cold pressed, virgin oil & luxurious 100% cotton massage linens. What makes one massage therapy treatment…

the MeM day 7 – end of series 1

This was the final day in series 1 of the Massage Exchange Movement. Thanks to everyone for coming out, it was so much fun. We did…

Bones for Life 1 Teacher Training

Gail French OT, PT, GCFP and BFL Trainer was in town last weekend teaching us Bones for Life 1. She is a dynamic and passionate…

the MeM day 6 – Pets and People

After cancelling the MeM day 5 last week, we had great weather and a great turnout for the MeM day 6 this week. We planned on doing…

the MeM day 4

This week at the MeM we really utilized our warm stones. We used them on the forearms, shoulders, hands and neck. We also taught…

the MeM day 2

We had our second MeM and it was a lot of fun. This week we focused on a shoulder, arm, and tricep release, as well as a percussive…

the MeM day 1

Come to the MeM contest Every time you come to the MeM you will be entered into a draw for a free 1 hour massage from Roxanne Derkson,…

the MeM is coming to your Hood in 2011

Starting the end of January we will begin to teach free massage classes on Tuesday afternoons around the time the Victoria High School…