Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergy Symptoms-Natural Remedies
Acupuncture a safe and effective alternative for allergy symptoms:
Spring is here but along with the beautiful blossoms, flowers and their pollen come the not so great allergies! Congestion, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. If you have gone through it, then you know that it is really unpleasant.
You could reach for the typical over the counter allergy relief products. Or if you would rather avoid antihistamines & corticosteroids then the more natural approach might appeal to your style of health care and prevention.
Do you want to reduce your dependence on medication? Be symptom free in Spring and Summer? In early spring take two to three sessions of Acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatments focus on alleviating the symptoms you are experiencing and in most cases yield a very quick response.
Patients will notice a decrease in their nose stuffiness, sneezes, and itching episodes around the eyes, as well as an increase in overall energy levels. Book an appointment with our Acupuncturist now and get some relief.
Natural Remedies for Allergy symptoms in the meantime:
Drink plenty of water– When you are well hydrated the mucous membranes of your nose remain moist to expel allergens more easily.

spring flowers
Eat local raw honey – Eating a couple of tablespoons of local raw honey every day (which contains traces of pollen) desensitizes the body to local pollen, so that the pollen floating about in the air does not trigger allergic reactions in the body.
Eat pineapple – fresh pineapple is definitely one of the foods that will help with allergies. It is full of vitamin C. The fruit’s true allergy powerhouse is an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme fights inflammation to help reduce the swelling and irritation brought on by pollen and other seasonal allergens. You can purchase fresh pineapple already peeled and cored, making it a convenient and healthy snack option.
Add turmeric to rice dishes, curries, soups (check out our bone broth recipe blog)
Turmeric contains curcumin, a phytochemical with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that are comparable to steroidal and nonsteroidal drugs
Essential oils with Therapeutic benefit for Allergies
Peppermint – Dilute with a carrier oil and rub one drop onto your temples, forehead or over the sinuses. You can also try a drop on the tip of your tongue, closing your mouth and then breathing it in to effectively open up the sinus cavity.
Lavender – Acts as an adaptogen and can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It can also help if you have difficulty sleeping due to congestion. Add a few drops to distilled water in a spray bottle and spritz your pillow to help you drift off to sleep more easily.
Eucalyptus – Can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow better breathing.
Rosemary – Has a similar effect to Eucalyptus but is slightly milder so better for use by children.
Lemon– Improves immunity, relieves respiratory issues, is antibacterial and relieves respiratory inflammation.
Shop now for all the essential oils listed above (and more!) available from the ViVi Therapy Massage Supply Store at 1976 Oak Bay Ave.