Athletic Therapy for Strength, Posture and Mobility

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Are you in search of an Athletic Therapist in Victoria or a Kinesiologist? Our Athletic Therapist is here to provide advice and a shoulder exercise routine so you can develop the strength, posture and mobility you need to confidently tackle life’s challenges. This is a sample routine that is highly effective for people wanting to increase shoulder & arm strength, correct posture and improve their shoulder mobility and range of motion.

You can look no further than our Oak Bay located Integrated Health Clinic to get the advice of our resident Samantha VanGiessen CAT(C) Athletic Therapist and Kinesiologist.  Here at ViVi Therapy Integrated Health, Samantha can create a customized shoulder exercise routine and advise you on the best way to improve any other challenging area of your body.  Watch  this video routine for improving your shoulder movement, strength for daily tasks and give you the back support you need for better posture and confidence.

Samantha has created this easy to follow routine with all the detail you need to progress your shoulder exercises to give you the strength and endurance you need.  This is a quick and easy 3 part shoulder exercise routine to follow if you are feeling your shoulder and arm strength is starting to fail. If you sit at a desk for long periods of time and are noticing in the mirror or your reflection that you are stooping forward its time to pull out the band and do this simple daily routine to reverse the degenerative process of poor posture. So what are you waiting for just grab your band and get moving!

Check it out and let us know after doing these daily how it has effected how you move and more importantly how you feel!

Stay tuned for our follow up video where Samantha will educate you on how to modify these same exercises if you find them too challenging for your present condition.

Samantha VanGiessen is your local Athletic Therapist in Oak Bay Victoria BC she has provided exercise and rehab services at ViVi Therapy since 2021. If you are seeking a more comprehensive exercise regime or rehab advice.

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