Beating the Heat with Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Doctor of Chinese Medicines Perspective

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As a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (DTCM), we see the principles of maintaining balance and harmony within the body as the basis for health, especially during the sweltering heat of summer. In TCM, each season is associated with specific elements, energies, and corresponding foods that can help us stay in sync with our environment. With the fiery nature of summer, it becomes crucial to seek out foods that cool and refresh our internal systems.

Understanding Heat in TCM

In TCM theory, summer is aligned with the element of Fire and the Heart organ system. Excessive heat can lead to imbalances such as dehydration, irritability, and digestive issues. To counteract these effects, we recommend incorporating cooling foods into your diet. These foods are believed to clear heat, nourish fluids, and promote overall balance.


Cooling Foods According to TCM

cafe fantastico summer salad

  1. Watermelon: This juicy fruit is hydrating and helps clear summer heat, making it a popular choice during hot days.
  2. Cucumber: With its high water content and cooling nature, cucumbers are excellent for reducing heat and quenching thirst.
  3. Mung Beans: These beans are valued for their ability to clear heat and detoxify the body according to TCM principles.
  4. Mint, Green Tea, or Chrysanthemum Tea: These beverages are not only refreshing but are also believed to have cooling properties that soothe internal heat.
  5. Leafy Greens: Vegetables like lettuce and spinach are cooling and can be enjoyed in salads or lightly cooked dishes.

Check out this Recipe for Cooling Summer Salad

Are you in Victoria and do not want to make this recipe yourself? Check out Caffe Fantastico, they have got a lovely version on offer at the moment! Pictured above.


Incorporating these cooling foods into your diet not only helps to beat the heat but also supports the natural ability within your body to maintain balance and harmony during the summer months. Remember, in TCM, food is seen as medicine, and by choosing wisely, we can support our overall health and well-being.

Next time you feel the heat rising, consider reaching for some watermelon, brewing a cup of chrysanthemum tea, or enjoying a refreshing salad packed with cooling ingredients. Your body will thank you for it!

Stay cool and balanced this summer with the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare professional or TCM practitioner for personalized recommendations.