Workout your hamstrings and gluteal muscles at home.


Workout your hamstrings and gluteal muscles at home.  This video workout routine is ViVi’s choice to exercise at home when going to the gym is inconvenient.  This is a great workout and I like it because most women need more strengthening in their workouts. I also like the warm up as a nice movement sequence for the legs and core.  I am modifying this workout for you with suggestions of how you can do this in your home using weights and props from around the house.  Don’t worry about the intensity if you are not very strong and agile.  Use less weight to start and do less if you need to.  Take care of yourself as you develop and increase the challenge to yourself once you feel confident with the routine and your beginning weight.

Fitting in the workouts we need to make the changes we want is going to be challenging at times.  I suggest you keep the free weights and kettle bell (if you have one) in the part of the house that you frequent the most.  Doing some weighted lunges up and down the hallway, or through the kitchen is a good start to a stronger gait.  In all of the exercises your focus is on executing the movements with symmetry, good alignment and keeping your pelvis level on both sides.

Don’t be deterred by this young and beautiful trainer. She is strong, confident and gives very good instruction.  I suggest you watch the video once, get inspired and get to it.

To workout your hamstrings and gluteal (buttocks) muscles at home as directed in the video you will need:

1) Clear a space about 8 x 10 feet on a carpet or floor that won’t be damaged by weights.  Put a wide seated chair and a lower solid stool nearby.  The weight you use to start will be something you can safely lift above your head.  As you develop your strength, stamina and control you can increase the weight accordingly.  Be sure not to skip the warm up it is very important and use a rubber exercise band tied in a knot to do the side step warm up part.

2)If you don’t have a barbell, use hand weights or dumb bells  like in the latter part of the routine.  Hold the weights bilaterally and lift like the barbell. You can lift from the front or the side.  Note the stance that is important when lifting weights. Follow the instructions for reps and sets but do less if you are new to this.

3) Use the chair as the support to do the squats and touch the seat with your buttock as you squat down.  If you do not have the barbell and you can do this without strain and awkwardness try to hold the weights on your shoulders as you do the squats. Other wise use the weights holding them by your sides and squat down to the chair (preferably with no arms on it).

4) The step ups are done on a low stool or solid box type structure.

5) After the last set return and do a few of the inch worm warm ups and feel how much freer your motion and more full bodied your power is. Do you find it easier to do the push ups?

6) I recommend you go for a run after this if you have time.  Try what ever distance you are used to or walk if you are not running yet.  Feel what the workout has done to the ease of your walk/run.  For example more lift, spring in your walk.  Enjoy your new sensation of the self.

NOTE DISCLAIMER:  This is not intended as physical therapy or medical advice and if you are experiencing any pain before or after this workout please consult your physician.  If you have any questions about this post please contact  Roxanne Derkson, a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Registered Massage Therapist who also likes to modify this work out for at home:)