Once we know how we are doing something, only then do we have the power to change it.
Feldenkrais Movement is body awareness and movement training. Regular lessons helps improve body movements and functions, reduces pain, and promotes general well-being. The practice originates from Moshe Feldenkrais, who taught people how to move and use their bodies more intelligently.
There are two aspects of the Feldenkrais Method:
- Awareness Through Movement (ATM)
- Functional Integration (FI)
Roxanne Derkson is a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (GCFP), who teaches weekly group ATM classes, private FI sessions and Feldenkrais Fundamentals workshops (continuing education for professionals). To become a GCFP, it requires 800 hours of studies over a 4 year period.
“It’s not the weight of the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it.” –Lena Horne
With the guidance of a skilled Feldenkrais Movement teacher, individuals replace habits with more efficient skeletal-based motion. This improves how people feel, move and age. Wrinkles and crankiness is not what ages us, as much as our habits. Developing new ways of moving helps break the cycle of habits that age us.
When regular daily movement patterns are inefficient, increased muscular tension and joint compression or stiffness, begin to be the norm. Often, people find they are living with daily physical discomfort and even chronic pain. As individuals, we lack the “know-how” to change the movement that contributes to the problem.
The higher the demands on the body for repetitive daily movement, the higher the need for a finer tuned body. Arthritis, osteoporosis, disc degeneration and a need for joint replacements can be the result. Improving how you move—how you walk in particular—through Feldenkrais, has been proven to improve neurological dysfunction, chronic disease, and pain. Desires to perform better in work, play and sports increase as well.
Feldenkrais Movement education is a great learning resource for improving one’s ease, grace and pleasure, from movement and body intelligence.
60 minute private lesson ~ $125
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class ~ $20 *Please note that the Awareness Through Movement classes are currently postponed due to Covid-19. If you are interested in the class please contact [email protected] and we will notify you once classes resume.